Our School



Willow Dale Elementary is one of three K-5 school buildings in the Centennial School District, where active learning and high academic standards augment our District’s Strategic Plan Goals.  Located in Warminster Township, the current school enrollment is approximately 750 students. 

We’re committed to providing instructional programs that foster the social and emotional wellbeing of the students and will take ALL of our learners on the path of lifelong, independent learning. Willow Dale advocates for a safe and positive school environment.  Over the last three years, a School-Wide Positive Behavior and Supports (SWPBIS) program and kindness initiative have been in place to foster positive behavior and good citizenship.  Unique to our school is a “reward room” that was supported by the HSA.  For the past ten years, Willow Dale students and staff have achieved the distinction of being a “No Place for Hate” School through the Anti-Defamation League.

The academic program is supported by professionals and support staff dedicated to student success. A Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) program is in place to address the academic and behavioral needs of the students.  Classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, which enhances student learning, allowing students the opportunity to practice skills, innovate, and become proficient researchers and writers, which are essential skills for future educational success. Students receive instruction in the following core subjects, Reading and Language Arts, math, science, and social studies.  Each student also receives instruction in specials areas. Art class introduces students to different art techniques, the elements, and principles of art and design, as well as numerous artists of inspiration. In Digital Literacy, students learn how to safely use technology to create, explore, and problem solve. They learn about computer programming, robotics, digital citizenship, and how to create digital content. Our library is where students embrace curiosity through books and resources, both print and electronic, as well as in our makerspace where they can be creative, explore, build, and expand their imagination.  Students are exposed to a comprehensive music program that includes choruses, music exploration, and appreciation as well as an instrument-focused program that introduces and trains students in a variety of settings, including band and orchestra performances. The physical education program provides an active, engaging, and safe learning environment where all students will improve their physical literacy, moving with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefits the healthy development of the whole person, while developing strategies to encourage lifelong physical fitness. 

At Willow Dale, we have many student leadership opportunities, including our Puma Ambassadors.  Our Puma Ambassadors are a group of fifth-grade student leaders nominated by teachers for consistently demonstrating our school-wide expectations and leadership qualities. They serve our school community as peer mediators, as well as assembly hosts and ushers, event support, leading philanthropic projects, and school-wide programs.  Additionally, Willow Dale students also have the opportunity to join a variety of after school clubs and programs.  The Drama Club and Girls Who Code club are two of the most popular each year.

The Willow Dale Home and School Association is an enthusiastic group of parents and staff who work tirelessly to support the entire school community through enriching programs.  The combination of a personalized instructional program, passionate teachers, supportive parents, and motivated students makes Willow Dale a sought after learning institution.

This is only a snapshot of what occurs daily in our school.  It’s a busy, active, happy, and safe place for kids! Do call us to schedule a visit.